Enroll for Diploma in Computer Applications

TechnologyProgrammingwith Python Level 1

English, Hindi & Nagamese
On Completion
1 month
Recommended Qualifications
Grade 6 and Above

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An introductory course designed for beginners who are interested in learning the fundamentals of the Python programming language. The course covers the basic syntax and structure of Python and how to write simple programs using Python. Now in Dimapur

In This Course
Python is a versatile programming language used in a wide range of applications such as data analysis, machine learning, web development, and scientific computing. By learning Python Level 1, you can gain a solid foundation in the language and open up opportunities in various fields.
Python is known for its readability and simplicity, making it easy to learn for beginners. Python code is written in a clear and concise manner, which makes it easier to understand and debug.
One of the most popular programming languages in the world and has a high demand in the job market. Learning Python can help you land a job in various industries such as IT, software development, data analysis, and more.
Python is not only useful for professionals, but it is also relevant to everyday life. You can use Python to automate tasks, create simple games, and solve everyday problems. Python is also a great tool for learning about computer science concepts, which can help you understand technology better.

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Start the course and upskill your professional career.
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